Yesterday we looked at the fantastic benefits of giving compliments. You can never underestimate just how beneficial a compliment can be for the person on the receiving end.

Compliments will truly win friends and influence people as long as they are done sincerely. However, if a compliment is not sincere, it may as well be an insult.

Phone compliments fall flat on the target because people as long as they are done sincerely. However, if a compliment is not sincere, it may as well be an insult.

Phony compliments fall flat on the target because people of almost any age can smell a lie from any distance. Therefore it makes sense to only give compliments that you sincerely believe to be true; otherwise the results could be disastrous.

Also, be careful to use compliments sparingly. If you compliment someone too often, it can backfire the same as a phony compliment. Be genuine and make sure the compliments that you make really count by understanding what might appeal to the recipient of your gesture. You both will have a better day as a result.