3, 2, 1

It’s not just a countdown anymore. 

It is a formula. 

A formula for excellent communication every time, especially with new customers.


3- Is to use the person’s name at least 3 times in the conversation. There are very few words in the English language that sound sweeter to a person than their name.
2- Is to use the word please at least twice. Not as sweet sounding a word for most, but very sweet nonetheless.
1- Is to us the words “thank you” at least once

Most of us have our own very scripted conversations with new customers, especially when we do a pre-qualification. With a few minor adjustments to your script you can add the 3-2-1 combination and enhance your communications and your effectiveness immediately.

The Tale of Two Lumberjacks


One day two lumberjacks were squaring off in a contest.  They were surrounded by a huge crowd and had a giant log in front of each of them.  When the bell sounded they both began chopping very aggressively.  One lumberjack noticed that his opponent had stopped chopping so he figured himself to be way ahead.  This happened two more times but the lumberjack was dumbfounded at the end because his opponent won.  Afterwards he asked how he took three breaks and still won.


The victorious lumberjack replied, “I wasn’t taking a break, I was sharpening my ax!”


Taking time out to sharpen your own ax will save time, effort and lead to consistently better results.  Ignoring your ax, however, is eventually like cutting your steak with a spoon.  It can be done but the results are frustrating, ineffective and messy. 

Jack & The Masters


”The jack of all trades is the master of none.”

This old saying is such a superlative classic that is deserves a closer look…  

In this story we find the unfortunate Jack, (let’s call him “Jack”) who is not a master because unfortunately Jack is spread too thin and lacks proper focus to achieve mastery of anything.   He has knowledge, skills and experiences that run broad but not deep. 

Meanwhile the masters feel badly for Jack because of his inability to apply enough dedication in his pursuits, like they do, to achieve true proficiency at anything.

“Poor Jack” we think looking upon the situation. 

However Jack is very happy and he does not consider himself poor in any way. In fact, the thought that anyone would feel sorry for him makes Jack laugh! 



So now we know the plight of Jack, the “non-master” of anything.  Jack, it was thought, was sadly reeling in mediocrity due to his lack of mastery.  But Jack doesn’t see it that way at all.  

You see Jack has all he needs and he is extremely content and fulfilled in his life because he enjoys the fruits of many pursuits.  He enjoys a balanced life and many pleasures and can’t understand how anyone could dedicate so much of their life to any one thing while they miss out on so many of life’s other experiences. 

Jack himself would tell us the moral of this story is that mastery can be achieved, but always at the expense of missing out on something else.   The question for all of us is how much we decide to miss in order to achieve the desired results of doing something masterfully.

The Hinge of History

My grandfather, Herbert Woodward, was quite an intellectual and accomplished writer with several published books, articles and short stories. One of my favorite writings of his was called “The Hinge of History” which cited an example of a simple radio miscommunication in the Pacific during World War 2 that almost certainly prolonged our war against Japan and had that message been correctly interpreted, we may not have used the atomic bomb. The article that follows is my modern day version, a tribute to my beloved late grandfather, written in March of 2005 and edited today for your reading and reflecting pleasure!
— Dave King

Like it or not, chance is still a major factor in our lives that cannot be eliminated.  Random events transpire billions of times per day which keep our futures in a constant state of flux.

At times we are swept helplessly by the tide of events yet other times the small force we all command can become decisive in changing the course of history. Nature dictates that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and the idea that “when a butterfly flaps its wings" has a profound impact on all of our lives.

Butterfly Effect is a phrase that embraces the idea that small variations in the initial conditions of a dynamic system can produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.  A common description of the effect says that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas months later.

"The butterfly effect was quite possibly inspired by the 1952 Ray Bradbury short story A Sound of Thunder. In that story, a time traveler accidentally steps on a butterfly in the distant past, causing broad changes in the present.

The practical consequence of the butterfly effect is that complex systems such as the weather and the stock or bond markets are difficult to predict over any useful time range. Finite models that attempt to simulate these systems still don’t possess the ability to fully account for the system and the timing of events. These errors are magnified as each unit of time is simulated until the error bound on the result exceeds one hundred per cent. 

It is at this point, that the butterfly could have actually caused the tornado!



Think about your life...

There are always some decisions which seemed inconsequential at the time yet they changed your life forever.  We all have them.  A chance meeting with a person who winds up a spouse, best friend or employer.   The accident you just avoided by leaving your office two minutes late.  The seemingly meaningless conversation which changed your decision at a future crossroads.

Life leads us down many paths and the simple decisions we make can have huge consequences on not only ourselves, but hundreds and sometimes even billions of people. 

Indeed the relatively small actions of one person can change history as we all know it.

In 1981 Secret Service Agent Timothy Mc McCarthy took a bullet in the stomach that may have killed Ronald Reagan.  Had his dive in front of our nation’s leader been a split second too late, our lives would probably all be different in some ways.  On the other hand, had someone said “Hey Oswald what are you doing with that rifle?” back in 1963, history may have been unknowingly changed forever.

And then of course there is the biggest game of chance of all…which sperm penetrates the egg?  The random outcome of this event is fairly obvious within most families.  Will that child grow up to be a Ronald Reagan or a Lee Harvey Oswald?



Indeed simple decisions and actions like where to have lunch, turn left or right, stop or keep going, can change your life and that of many others.  Like life, most sports are games of inches which can be both glorious or painful depending on the slimmest of margins. 

Consider this example of how something incredibly simple can have such a huge impact. 

Back in 1979, the NBA used to flip a coin between the two teams with the worst records for the number one pick in the draft.  The Chicago Bulls called "heads" and the coin came up "tails," thereby giving the first pick to the New Orleans Jazz. But the Jazz had to give the pick to the Los Angeles Lakers as compensation for signing one of their free agents, Gail Goodrich, who they signed in 1976 and had retired by 1979.

That number one pick became Magic Johnson from Michigan State. 

The next season, led by their rookie guard, the Lakers became NBA champions and there would be several more.  The New Orleans Jazz moved and became the Utah Jazz without playing another game in Louisiana.  And if Chicago won the coin flip there is little doubt that they would not have been in a position a few years later to draft a player by the name of Michael Jordan.

This is why you never give up and never underestimate the powers of your actions and their accompanying reactions because you never know where or when you’ll find your “Magic”!



If the weatherman armed with technology and millions of observations from the National Weather Service, can’t tell us what is going to happen in the next few hours how could we possibly expect to predict the future?

Those who win at things like gambling and market forecasting understand that any time you use your resources to put the odds in your favor 51% of the time you are doing well.  And to continue to be better than 50% requires that you play the game by the book and never deviate from your system.

These people are making a conscious decision to look for the circumstances they want rather than leaving it to “chance”.  They understand the presence of chance in their endeavors but they tip the scales in their favor as much as humanly possible by seeking the right situations rather than letting situations seek them. 

You too can manage your business and your life this way.  Find the circumstances you want, and take control over every variable you can in order to tip the scales in your favor.

The butterfly effect gives us reassurance that what do has an impact, but it also reassures us that the forecasting of future events, like interest rates and the stock market, is far too dependent upon events and factors out of our control to even think we really know what is going to happen next more than about 51% of the time.

Life, like most sports, is truly a game of inches and much of our lives are left to chance. However, it is what we make of the chances we get that determine our destiny!  

Mastering Emotions

The key to wealth and happiness is mastering our emotions and the quality of our lives is in direct proportion to the quality of our psychology or mindset.  Our psychology is powerfully shaped by our emotions and our emotional state is affected most by our physiology (think posture and facial expressions here).  The second most important factor in our emotional state that determines how you feel is your focus because whatever we focus on…we feel.
Like the old adages, “we become what we think about” or “a person is what they think about all day long”.  Those are irrefutable truths that none of us can avoid.
So with our physiology and focus right we can move on to emotional mastery and the emotional mastery of sales is that we must….
Learn how to handle frustration
Learn how to handle rejection
Learn how to handle financial pressure
Learn how to handle complacency
Give more than we expect to receive.
The fact is that there are very few good paying professions in this world that don’t have their share of frustration, rejection and financial pressure.  In fact, there is a very strong correlation between these things and incomes across nearly every endeavor.  So embrace the frustration, rejection and pressure and know that they are all part of our world and how we react to them is what’s really important!

The 2 Great Questions

According to former coaching great Lou Holtz there were only two truly important questions to him in recruiting college football players…
Who is making the decision and what do they want?
While getting to the heart of these questions was essential for Coach Holtz in his recruiting of a football player, they are also essential for us in originating a mortgage. The “who” question is usually clear to us.  The decision maker may be the Realtor, husband, wife, parents, builder, etc. and many times Loan Officers misinterpret the potential influence or lack thereof of one or more of the other parties involved.
The fact is that most decisions of any kind are ultimately made by one person even though that one person may consult those around them extensively to arrive at the decision.  Think of the parties involved in the transaction as a small company and your job is to figure out who is the current CEO and what they want.
For us the answer to what they want is often misinterpreted as the lowest rates.  While we all have some customers who are driven only by price, we need to take an important step back and examine the facts.

Fact #1 - Customers who want price above all else will probably not wind up doing business with you anyway.  Most of them will inevitably call too many lenders and end up with the biggest scoundrel and highly dissatisfied in the end. Don’t worry about them!  Do your best to get the deal and if it doesn’t work out, enter them into your contacts and start marketing to them.  Then you can look forward to hearing from them at a later date when they have figured out there is much more to a mortgage transaction than just what appears to be the best deal.  You will then enjoy dealing with them a lot more than you did before.
Fact #2 - Most of your customers would not answer the “what do you want” question with the lowest rate.  By asking questions, you can find out what really matters to them and while interest rate is always important, it is rarely number one. Your customer’s true wants are usually more along the lines of working with someone whom they feel they can trust, someone who will work in their best interests and not rip them off.  Someone who will make the process easy, someone who they don’t have to check up on, someone with a good reputation, someone who will stay in touch with them after the ink is dry on the note.   And all of them want to feel like they are doing the right thing and need reassurance. And some of them really just want you to be their ally and friend.
Most customers want a little bit of all of the above and best of all you can provide it...  Your job is to figure out what is most important to them and communicate what you can and will do to make it happen!
The questions are simple, yet finding the answers is not.  Seeking and finding the “who” and
“what” answers will improve your customer batting average right away!

Words of Wisdom from Yogi Berra


Today we will visit some of the great quotes from the one and only Yogi Berra.

This first one is appropriate at all times for all people because everyone needs goals and a plan….

If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else.
— Yogi Berra

This Yogi Berra quote is funny yet so true because watching is learning, especially when we pay close attention….

You can observe a lot just by watching
— Yogi Berra

This next Yogi quote is so easy to understand when you consider that the most important parts of your job (like hitting for a baseball player) should require very little thought and second guessing because of the level of expertise already there from repetition, practice and experience.  If you have practiced enough there should be no need for great mental gymnastics during those critical get the deal or lose the deal moments.

Think? How the heck are you gonna think and
hit at the same time?
— Yogi Barra

This Yogi Berra quote goes somewhat along with the phrase “often imitated, never duplicated.”  This one relates to us in that everyone has to have their own style and that trying to be someone or something you are not is almost always counterproductive. 

If you can’t imitate him...don’t copy him.
— Yogi Barra

It is hard to tell if Yogi is under promising and over delivering here or the opposite.  Regardless of his intentions, it is important to always communicate realistic time frames and expectations to your customers and avoid the salesperson’s tragedy of over promising.  

I take a two hour nap, from one o’clock to four.
— Yogi Barra

A Game of Adjustments


Why are some people seemingly miserable when they seem to have everything going for them, while others much less fortunate can maintain a positive, charismatic demeanor despite overwhelming perceived negatives in their life?  If you answered “attitude” congratulations and please read on!

Our brains tend to accumulate a vast number of resentments, fears, grudges and feelings of inferiority over time.  These things tend to stick in our minds if we allow them to, but what is the point?  The results of hanging on to negatives from the past are predictably poor. 
Some people actually seem to thrive on unhappiness but their misery usually comes from within because they either lack the ability or desire to rid themselves of these demons.  Those who lack the ability are often categorized in our society as mentally ill.  The rest of us just need the desire because we all have the ability.  
Changes in attitudes will change most anything for better or worse and the only thing keeping millions of people from their dreams is a little attitude adjustment.  People naturally enjoy being around those who are upbeat so why not adjust your own attitudes toward the positive side of the ledger?  It will only improve every single facet of your life!

Failure in personal relationships keeps people from their goals and dreams every day and they can be easily avoided when you consider that you are truly the one in control of all of your personal relationships.  While you can not change the behavior of others, you absolutely have the power to influence it with your attitude.  We are all given the power of choice which includes our own amazing ability to consider, modify and change our previously adverse attitudes.  
But how?
Likely the most important part of maintaining a positive attitude is to have a consistent process of “mind dumping.”  Out with the bad and in with the good.  While none of us can fully erase the negativity of the past, we certainly can decide not to dwell on it and let it continue to drag us down. 
By making a conscious choice to apply faith, hope and goodness to every situation rather than their opposites of pessimism, gloom and negativity you will change all of your results for the better and be the kind of person everyone wants to be around. 
When your outlook is right everything else will be right!
Have a great day or don’t.  The choice is yours!