Achieving your goals starts with establishing them and having a plan designed to accomplish them. Your goals are the direct result of your plan and without goals and an accompanying plan your productivity will suffer.

Effective goals should always be measurable and written some place where you will see them every day. Envision where you would like to see yourself in next year and beyond. Do you aspire to the Winner's, President's or Chairman's Circle? How many new referral sources will you need to get there?

Your goals do not all have to be professional in nature but understand your profession has ramifications for nearly all goals (i.e. a new house.) Try to avoid purely financial goals because they can unconsciously shift your focus away from helping people, which is ultimately what we are paid for.

So take an hour today to decide what you want next year. Remember what gets measured gets done, so spend some time alone and with your team to focus on what is important and how to accomplish your goals for this year. Write your goals and share them with at least two other people to stay accountable and on track, and remember if you help enough people, your goals will be achieved!