The third and most important element of persuasion is emotion, which involves opening a person's imagination to see, feel and want what you have to offer. This is the tricky part of persuasion but anyone can do it as long as they know how.

Start by talking about the advantages of what you can offer and help paint a mental picture that appeals to their senses and their primary goal of obtaining a mortgage whether it is saving money, owning their own home, paying off debts, etc. Using words to create mental pictures of the customer's happiness is the key. words and situations that create positive emotions are all you need, but it takes practice. This ability to appeal to the emotions may be the most important selling tool ever.

So next time you win or lose a loan, ask yourself these three questions...

Did the customer trust me? Did I make sense? Did I move them to action?

If all were "yes" you should have won. If two are "yes" you probably lost and if only 0 to 1 are "yes" you never had a chance.