Regardless of where you are or what the cars and houses look like, successful people are all around. The schoolteacher who has invested decades into making a difference, the nurse who enjoys helping those in need, the homemaker who takes pride in their daily endeavors.

Successful people enjoy their chosen lifestyle.

Success does not mean a large bank account for everyone because anyone who enjoys their chosen lifestyle is successful. But, for those who desire a large bank account and the lifestyle that goes along with it, success will rarely beat down the door of a person who dislikes what they do.

Another fine example of this is once again, raising a child. Parents will regularly make mistakes and second guess themselves, yet all of those setbacks will not initially affect their ultimate goal of giving society a healthy, educated, responsible, ethical young adult.

The child may have other ideas though which become more of a hindrance to the goal as they grow older. This is the point where the parents are tested repeatedly and some take on every challenge in order to see their children eventually prosper while others give up and lose interest.

Those who lose interest usually do so because they no longer enjoy pursuing their goal of raising the child like they once did. In many cases the child has become so unpleasant compared to the little bundle of joy they brought home from the hospital that the initial worthy ideal of raising the child is deemed so old that it is lost.

To be continued...