When a borrower who just closed has a servicing issue or needs a document from their closing package. Do you respond with the same excitement and service level as the day you first met them as a prospective borrower?

When they call to tell you they are buying a new home, using the builder's mortgage company, but they still want your advice? Do you act in a helpful fashion rather than disinterested or put out?

When they call you upset because they despite the servicer who bought their loan that you originated because someone was a smart ass to them on the phone. Do you try to make them feel better or just explain that rude mortgage customer service agents are just an inescapable fact of life?

When they call because they were expecting a larger escrow refund than the $75 they just received. Do you help them do the math in order to understand or just blame it on their previous mortgage company?

Service after the sale is just as important, if not more important, than during the sale. Please remember that no matter how great you were at originating a mortgage, if you act disinterested at a later date, it will not only be the last impression you will leave with that customer, it will most likely be your last interaction with them too!