Referral sources will leave you from time to time. Sometimes they move, quit or even die. Sometimes their best friend, brother-in-law or even they themselves get into the mortgage business. However, they usually just leave you for another lender.

Then, as so often happens, the greener pastures they sought aren't so green after all.

The problem is that they left you, and because of the nature of those relationships, they will never come back unless you invite them to. And the number one reason is pride. They are simply too embarrassed. 

Most referral sources that have left you just don't have it in them to call you and say, "I'm so sorry that I left you for Lender X because they gave me more attention than you, took me to lunch and promised great service. But then they didn't return their phone calls, make their dates and my buyers didn't like them. I now realize what a huge mistake it was to leave the comfort of your services and I hope and pray that you will take me back!"

That would be nice but it won't happen.

What will happen though is that if you call your referral sources that have "moved on" you may be amazed at how easily they will come back if you just make the first move and give them the invitation.