Today's top producers have embraced the concept of data base management and taken it to a whole new level. These days the most effective marketing strategies usually revolve around our past clients and sphere of influence as opposed to Realtors and builders.

While Realtors and builders are fantastic referral sources that should never be ignored, the fact is that today more referrals come from your past clients rather than the Realtor than ever before. Whether right or wrong, study after study have shown that a person is more likely to utilize the services of a lender referred by a friend or family member than by their own Realtor. 

This is not just a trend. In the 1990's it was a trend. Now it is full-on reality. As time marches on, your past clients should be marketed to more than ever before to keep you visible to the point where you are first on their minds whenever they think mortgages.

If you treat your customers right, give them more than they expect and stay visible, your past clients will become "Marketeers" that are far more effective than any TV, radio or billiboard ad could possibly hope for.

Today the referral tree that grows from the roots of happy customer is the healthiest tree in the forest.