Adversity is defined as misfortune, hardship and suffering or a highly unfavorable experience or event. Yet to others adversity is defined as an opportunity to overcome and to grow.

After all, without at least a little adversity, life would be truly boring. Adversity turns challenges into victories, losers into winners and hard times into valuable lessons. But that doesn't mean its all fun and games.

On the contrary; adversity sucks.

But the only thing that sucks more is not overcoming adversity and missing out on the satisfaction gained when you triumph over it. The history of the world is full of great stories of overcoming adversity and most all of the great achievements of mankind have adversity written all over the first chapter of the story.

In fact, most of your own greatest tales of accomplishment probably being with adversity. They have to; otherwise the achievement itself would be only routine.

So the next time life serves you up a misfortune sandwich, accept it for the opportunity to grow that it is and pay close attention to tomorrow's LO Insights where we look at several ways to deal with adversity.