There are aspects of our lives in which being the Jack is clearly more desirable, but your profession is not one of them. Being a master of one thing generally is more profitable for Loan Officers because trying to sell all things to all people is usually a losing business plan in the long run.

Those loans that have to be brokered and/or take you so far out of your comfort zone can short circuit your days and your plans like nothing else. Often the time and energy it takes to close one or two extra loans is time not well spent. Many Loan officers are experiencing this right now as loan volume is somewhat down. The need to close more loans is admirable but the time expended on some loans can increase your income by a small percentage while silently keep you from doubling your business.

Stick with that you know and do well, be a master of your craft. And for loans that are way out of your comfort zone, consider a new strategy to keep your time focused on what is important, long term growth. Tomorrow we will look at the strategy employed by most masters who understand and avoid the concept of "jacking around."