Phone calls beget phone calls just as activity begets activity.

Why are the most successful Realtors usually the listing agents? Because their phones are ringing thanks to their listings. The activity brought about by the phone calls they receive eventually turns into dollars, which turn into even more dollars as their activity breeds productivity, which breeds success.

Is your phone ringing? The number one way to get your phone to ring with people looking for your services is to ring some phones yourself. Get on the phone and call some Realtors you haven't heard from in months, call some past clients and/or old friends that you haven't heard from in years, but most importantly, just all!

They will be happy to hear from you and the rare ones that aren't, you don't need to be concerned with anyway. You have much to offer (and to gain) by staying in touch with your previous customers and referral sources. So make some calls today and watch your phone ring a little more every day going forward!