That much you beautiful, intelligent, loyal LO insights readers already know, but what about our subconscious thoughts?

Subconscious is defined by Wester's as "That portion of mental activity of which the individual has little or no conscious perception."

The subconscious mind was popularized by Sigmund Freud who, in order to explain irrational behavior, developed the idea that consciousness is layered into unconscious, preconscious, and conscious. 

Because neurotic behavior had no rational explanation, it made sense to Freud that some psychic events must infiltrate the surface of the mind; then explode into conscious awareness.

In our culture, the subconscious mind has been given terrific powers over the consciousness of the individual; it has been said that from within our subconscious can come horrible emotions and impulses, forcing you to do things that you don't want to do.

Defense lawyers have been argued (usually unsuccessfully) that it was the subconscious mind of their client who committed the crime! 

To be continued...