What does it take to add a new referral source to your business? And why will they do business with you instead of somebody else?

The above two questions hold the magical key to our business and while getting new referral sources is easier said than done, it's really not that hard either, as long as you understand the rules...

  • Rule #1: They must know you.
  • Rule #2: They must like you.
  • Rule #3: They must trust you.
  • Rule #4: You must help them make money.

Rules 1-3 are self explanatory and the basics for any fruitful relationships in business as in life. Those relationships that skip right to rule #4 are the shaky ones that are often short-lived thanks to the lack of the  "like" and "trust" parts.

Kind of like how most people feel when their car gets wrecked and ends up in a body shop that someone else chose. The likelihood of repeat business is almost nil thanks to the lack of like and trust remaining by the time the car is finished two weeks late.

Rule #4 is where the real fun begins and where the separation between top and average producers happens.

To be continued...