By losing a loan you will most likely lose future business from that customer. You could also lose out on future referrals from that customer or any other party involved in that transaction that you may have had a chance to impress. Plus referral sources can multiply exponentially. Who knows, by doing one loan for that one person you may later get a referral from someone who ends up being you biggest customer. If you ask any successful originator they will tell you that most of the business they have today can be traced back to meeting just a few people over the years who told two friends, who told two friends, and so on.

The key here is that just one loan could open so many doors for you in the future that you don't want to lose any if you don't have to. I know we are all supposed to try and be profitable on each and every transaction, but sometimes sacrificing some or all of your commission on a loan can pay huge dividends in terms of future business!