When you understand how your reticular activator works and use it effectively you can become virtually unstoppable in the pursuit of success! Your mind becomes clear and focused, all necessary information flows through and that which has no value in the achievement of your goals get rejected. Once you deliberately choose your goals and start to move towards them you know that you will accomplish them and that while temporary setbacks can and will occur failure is simply not acceptable under any circumstances.

Our final example of the reticular activators function is a simple trip to the grocery store. When we shop with a list most of us will spend less time and money at the store than if we just walk in and start plucking things off the shelf. If the loss of time and money isn't enough, consider that most of the mistake purchases the shopper without the list makes are buying products that are placed in eye level displays that are there because the merchandisers compel them to buy which fulfills their goals not yours!

Decide what is important to you! Let the good in and let your filter keep out the brain riff raff!