Many Loan Officers have a difficult time asking for referrals when the time is right, A few Loan Officers ask too often, but most don't ask at all. Fear of rejection, appearing too pushy or just plain lack of assertiveness get in our way.

The best time to ask for referrals is right after the loan application. You may suck at asking for referrals but there is no excuse for not asking at this optimal moment!

First you have just bonded with your applicants toward a common goal, plus they like you, and you are a very important person to them for the next month, Also, they will be high on life at that moment due to their new home and the feeling that may have just struck them two minutes ago when you told them everything would work out fine since they may have been nervous about their ability to qualify.

Best of all what do you think they will be talking about to all of their friends and family for the next month? And when will you ever be more important and more popular with them?

This is step one in creating "Marketeers" (customers for life who will promote your business for you if you do it right.