Despite how well you handled a customer and took care of them, occasionally the plan goes awry. Something happened that made the loan process somewhat distasteful or downright miserable. Maybe there was a processing error (which was probably your fault to begin with), a last minute "fly in the ointment" at a closing or a problem with the servicer to whom we sold their loan.

Now what to do?

This, my friends, is one of your greatest opportunities.

Ride in on your "white horse" and save the day just like a movie hero!

No, you do not have to untie a fair maiden from the railroad tracks as the speeding train approaches but it is a good metaphor for the situation.

Whenever there is a problem, you can elevate yourself in the eyes of your customers by accepting responsibility for the situation, fixing it and making up for it in some way. All great Loan Officers have to ride the "white horse" occasionally and by doing it right you can turn an angry customer into a Raving Fan!