If your production is not the object of your wildest dreams right now, then you have two choices.

Your first choice is to wait for the next refi boom. Problem is, that could be in three weeks, three months or three years, or maybe longer. Nobody knows when it will start again and you should be positioning yourself for the next onslaught of homeowner's seeking better mortgages. What you need is more production and you probably need it sooner not later.

Your second (and far better) choice is to be proactive right now and being to rekindle old relationships and form new ones. Not only will your "proactivity" now pay off much sooner than the next refi boom, but it will make the boom that much better!

I know what you are thinking.... I know I should, but how do I find the time, who I am going to call, what am I going to say and how in the world am I going to follow up? As they say, "the word "but" wipes away everything in front of it", and the previous sentence is no exception because you should and you know it. Everything after the but is just excuses.

However, those excuses will all be null and void for you by the end of this week as we answer the when, who, what and how of forming new relationships.

To be continued...